How Do You Massage a Dog’s Stomach?

Do Eggs Help a Dog's Upset Stomach
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A massage can help alleviate dog gas, but it should never be used as a substitute for proper medical care. Soft tissue, which includes tendons and ligaments, cannot heal 100% without professional intervention.

To get the most out of your dog’s massage, make it a regular part of his routine. This will ease him into the experience and reduce his stress.

Start at the base of the neck.

If your dog is bloated or gassy, a few simple at-home hand massages can help relieve their built-up tension and stimulate their digestive system to get things moving source. They are also a great way to build a bond with your pup. Start with your thumbs along either side of your dog’s neck, tracing the length of their spine in a smooth and consistent motion. Make sure not to apply too much pressure on the bones.

Next, stroke down the sides of your dog’s abdomen. Concentrate on any spots that feel unusually hard, as these could be areas of trapped gas.

Once you’ve made your way down to the belly, move your hands around in clockwise circles. You can also glide from just below the chest down towards the tail, massaging in an inverted U-shape. Massages in the front legs are also effective at relieving trapped gas and stimulating the digestive system. However, you should avoid massaging these muscles if they are sore or painful.

Move down the sides of the abdomen.

Gas build-up in dogs can be caused by bacterial fermentation of their food, swallowing too much air, or even health issues like Gastroenteritis or Inflammatory Bowel Disease. In mild cases, massaging certain parts of their bodies can help them pass the excess gas and alleviate discomfort.

If your dog is laying down, move your flat palms around their stomach area, feeling for hard and soft areas with light pressure. If they flinch or show signs of pain, do not continue to massage that part of their body.

Another cause of pooping difficulties is spinal problems and back muscle tension, which can make it difficult for them to squat down and defecate. A gentle full-body massage with circular motions and light pressure can relieve that tension, making it easier for your dog to poop. However, this technique should only be used for mild cases of bowel trouble and should not replace proper nutrition, hydration, and exercise.

Stroke the back legs.

A little effleurage goes a long way in alleviating gas and bloating issues. If a dog has serious bloating that could cause stomach aches, then this is an urgent situation that needs to be handled by the vet immediately.

Using a circular motion, massage the belly, then glide down to the back legs. This helps ease spinal issues that can make squatting to defecate harder for dogs.

Stroking the entire body of a dog is very soothing to them and gives them a sense of comfort. It also promotes a good bond between humans and their pets. In addition, it can help encourage a dog to defecate if they have been experiencing difficulties with this process for too long. When combined with hydration, exercise, a healthy diet and verbal cues to poop, this can drastically improve their stool formation. This is a great routine to incorporate into your daily lifestyle with your pet. It’s a great time to let them know how much you love and care for them!

Finish with an ear rub.

If your dog is showing signs of anxiety while you massage their stomach, such as flinching or trying to escape, stop massaging and let them relax. You can also stroke their back legs to help them calm down.

If they are experiencing bloating, this can cause discomfort, but thankfully, this is another area that you can massage to help them pass the gas. Stroke the belly in a circular motion, feeling for soft and hard areas as you do so. Make sure you don’t apply too much pressure or the belly may become sore.

A simple, at-home hand massage can provide a lot of benefits for dogs with bloating, trapped gas, and other digestive problems. Coupled with hydration, a healthy diet, and regular exercise, this will greatly improve their defecation habits. The ear rub is also very soothing and can make your dog feel loved, which is important for their overall mental health. Keep in mind, though, that if you apply too much pressure, your dog will likely express this by growling or attempting to escape.