Where Are Burglars the Least Likely to Look?

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While burglars are often looking for a good payoff, they also want to avoid confrontation and be seen. In that sense, they’re a lot more selective when picking houses to break into.

Obviously, they’re most interested in stealing cash but they’ll also target items that are easy to carry and sell, according to Robert Siciliano, CSP, a security analyst with Hotspot Shield. Designer clothes and accessories, especially items that cost a fortune like Gucci handbags and Luis Vuitton T-shirts, are prime targets for thieves.

Where are burglars the least likely to look?

Burglars will also scout homes with hidden access points and plenty of places to hide, such as in basements and Burglar Alarms London. This is especially true in areas where criminals don’t expect to encounter much resistance — a house that has a backyard full of trees or shrubbery may be an ideal place to get away without alerting the home’s owners.

A Medicine Cabinet Prescription Drugs and More

Thieves are all about making quick money, so they’ll be looking for prescription drugs that are easy to sell off. They’ll also be on the hunt for painkillers and tranquilizers, which are increasingly being used to treat addiction.

The Master Bedroom Jewelry and Other Valuables

Generally, thieves prefer to look in the master bedroom first for jewellery and other valuables that might be in a secure box. Putting high-value items in a secure box will help keep them out of sight and make it harder for a crook to get a good deal on them.